Weekly Photo Challenge: Layers

Weekly Photo Challenge: Layers

Last week for my entry in the Challenge on the topic “Habit,” I wrote briefly about Toronto Mayor, Rob Ford. I thought things couldn’t get any worse for the mayor and that he hit “rock” bottom (pardon the pun), but in true Rob Ford fashion, he made things even worse with even more ridiculous statements and confessions leading to more protests and satire.

Yesterday I was at an awareness protest for climate change  but the wake of the anti-Rob Ford mob left an interesting chalk mural behind that really grabbed my attention. Some of it funny, some of it very cruel but all interesting nonetheless.  I don’t condone the mayors actions nor condone how he’s been dehumanized by the city and the media but as a photographer I was very happy I was able to get these few snapshots on society.

Left outside of  Toronto’s city hall was a box of chalk for citizens to layer the wall with their contempt for the mayor. Here’s what I saw.