“Daily Prompt: Pat on the Back”

Pat yourself on the back for something. I’m good at that. I laugh at all my really funny jokes. Come to think of it, there’s not that often I’m not laughing because I’m that fucking funny! LOL;)

A little over two years ago I went to the Phi Phi Islands in Thailand. While I was there I was amazed every night by the Fire Performers on the beach. There was one moment in particular where I was so mesmerized that at that very moment I told myself I am gonna learn to do that!

This is me a year later on a cliff at another edge of the ocean in Newfoundland. My nephews came with me on the hike and helped me film. My one nephew Luke watched me through my whole learning curve. From the part where everybody was wondering what the hell i was doing with a stick in the driveway all the time; To the times I was getting better but there’s still those moments that you joke, “good thing that wasn’t on fire;” To seeing me “drop and roll”; To this!:)

I know by no means am I the greatest fire spinner in the world but I’m really proud that it was something that I put my mind to and did it no matter how scary it was at times. Once you learn to play with fire there doesn’t seem like much you can’t overcome!:)

“Daily Prompt: A Friend in Need”

My closest friend is Victoria Wood. There’s not many days that go by that we don’t laugh till we cry. This picture was taken recently as we strolled along the beach with her dog Boomer visiting the country home where I grew up. You can’t see Boomer in this picture. He won’t get out of the water!:)

Our weekend in the country together was so wonderful that Boomer was all like, “Seriously?! Dude?! Why don’t we live here and throw away our leashes?!!!” (…or something like that.) I could only speak a little Dog but I understood the point he was trying to make. We wish that sometimes too Boomer but wherever we’ll be; We’ll be a happy family!:)

at Selwyn Conservation Area, Ontario